Discover French culture through gastronomy

The Authentic Food Tours

French Gastronomy & Wine Tour

Eiffel Tower Tour

In 1825, Brillat-Savarin, father of modern gastronomy, wrote his famous “Physiologie du goût” Rue de Grenelle. Home to some of the first “Restaurants” in the city, this neighbourhood evolved from one of the last “wild” areas of Paris where aristocrats liked to hunt rabbits to a paradise of culinary craftsmanship.

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Curated Bakeries & Pastries Tour

Le Marais tour

In 1674, “L’art de bien Traiter” by the mysterious French figure that hides behind the initials “L.S.R” defines desserts as the moment where “minds are awakened, witty sayings are spoken, and the most delightful news is uttered; where the best jests are made, and where are formed the parties for visits, games, and walks.”

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French Gastronomy & Wine Tour

Notre-Dame de Paris Tour

A true Parisian adventure, discover the heart of Paris through its gastronomy. Indulgent, artistic, and poetic, the neighborhoods of Saint Paul and Saint Germain are home to a vibrant craftsmanship of both hand and palate. As Maupassant once said: "One is a gourmet as one is an artist, as one is a poet."

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Farmers Market & History Tour

Versailles Tours

“To bring forth from the earth asparagus and leeks is to labour for the glory of God and the contentment of the realm restored." These words, from Louis XIV to the creator of “the vegetable garden of the king” perfectly illustrate how gastronomy and farm products shaped Versailles into the flavourful city we know today.

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